Saturday, December 24, 2011

Getting Started

I am going to retire in 2012.  I decided a long time ago that when I retire, I want to post a picture a day of what I do in my first retirement year.  (It is not an original idea; I stole it from my oldest daughter, Elizabeth, when she did her pic a day for five months.)  Right now, I have a 'soft' retirement day, i.e. it is 2+ months.  I agreed to stay for about two months after they find my replacement.  There will be more posts about that later.

There are no rules about this blog.  I am doing it because I want to and to see how much I will do.  If I don't have a picture to upload for the day, I may pull one from my archives.  My middle daughter, Susan, frequently says, 'something shinny caught my eye'.  That is part of the basis of this blog.  Read it if it amuses you; ignore it if it does not.

The first problem with a blog is what to name it.  It is not my style to gush emotional drivel and philosophize about stuff.  I pondered between the blog names:  Comments from Cleta; Cleta Retires; Cleta 2012; and Cleta's Purple Quilt.  I chose Cleta's Happy Quilt because quilting makes me happy and that's what this year is about.  I could go on about how life is really a bunch of little pieces of things, just like a quilt.  Put everything together, and you have a quilt of life.  2012 will be my Happy Year of lots of exciting pieces.  Stay tuned!