Tuesday, September 4, 2012

09 04 - Series Manhole Covers: The Sunflower

0904 sunflower

As I take my walk around my neighborhood, sometimes I notice the common things that are really not so common.  This manhole cover in the middle of the sidewalk caught my eye.  Why is it in the middle of the sidewalk?  Why does it have a sunflower on it?  Who does it belong to?  Then I started noticing other manhole covers.  So I decided that this week, I will do a photo essay series on -- Manhole Covers.

And the burning question -- why are manhole covers round?  Or just, why, the series?

For the Sunflower Cover, I still am not sure who it belongs to, but I suspect the city (Overland Park) or county (Johnson County, Kansas).  I finally saw one of the covers in the middle of the street with a sunflower so I suspect it must be for access to city utilities.

Check back tomorrow to see what other manhole covers have been discovered!

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